Hola que tal,
New friday, new newsletter. I'll keep it short.
This week in bullets:
- Yentl coughing up a concert for my ear drums for 9 hours a day
- kaffie is having a shot at the million-dollar question of all established production houses


It is the year 2022. The summer threatens to be taken over by a virus that prevents us from living our lives to the fullest.
Jerome, a wealthy hospitality magnate, has a vested interest in this virus spreading.
Six people - and their mysterious leader El Jefe - work together with participating groups. They create an anti-virus on an exciting journey of self-discovery and lots of fun 'pick the day' assignments. Little do they know that someone from the group is also working with Jerome.
The first series on social media that allows participants to participate in the story as it unfolds.
In other words: The series continues not only on Sundays but also in between Sundays. The icing on the cake? The final episode in a live show (actors & participating groups).
My fellow kaffies, the series is about making an antivirus. Summer bar Fistong just happens to be the result of it.
But this summer bar is not in the business of selling drinks. This summer bar is in the business of making people feel alive.
Never done before.
No plan B.
No safety switch in sight.
We're all in. Theme song included.
You just got the premiere. Keep this mail safe.
Who knows, we might just pull it off.