☕️ Your weekly cup of data powered kaffie

Good evening dear reader
This is THE newsletter you lean on for weekly kaffienated news. You can lean on us like Michael Jackson in Smooth Criminal.

This week on kaffie:

  • anyKrowd site launch
  • Data nerd alert
  • Life's a box of chocolates

anyKrowd site launch

Until this week, it would be quite the quest to know what anyKrowd does & how they do it.

Roughly you would've had these options:

  • Go on an internet quest & piece together your puzzle of information.
  • Read kaffie newsletter issue nr. 7.
  • Book a meeting with the charming guys & let them explain what they do.
  • Go physically to zomerbar Fistong or one of their other projects & see with your own eyes what anyKrowd is all about.

Well, starting this week, we're happy to inform you that the guys from anyKrowd launched their website!

Now you'll be able to know what they do from the comfort of your hammock! And we're happy & proud that we could also be of assistance from a communication point of view.Now you'll be able to know what they do from the comfort of your hammock! And we're happy & proud that we could also be of assistance from a communication point of view.

Data nerd alert

This week was a good week for my inner data nerd because:

  • One, I was able to play with some data from zomerbar Fistong.
  • Two, I was able to play with data from the KUBO server that's installed in The Swallow

For those who don't know me: I like to play with data like Jim Halpert likes to make fun of Dwight → it really gets my gears going.
For those waiting on a climax, my friends already warned me that most people are not interested in this stuff, but here we go anyway:

The stats you're seeing come from our KUBO server in The Gambia & help us to do data validations & flex with numbers 🤓
Now, I hear most of you think, isn't this just MS Excel with some fancy bar charts?
Well, it is not. This is Tableau. A tool that makes Excel look like a Lada parked next to a Lamborghini. And while both can help you get to the supermarket to get groceries, only one has a trunk big enough to carry two trays of Stella (see what I did there).

All jokes aside, there is a specific reason I use Tableau for these kinds of things, but I'll bore you with that in another newsletter (or if you're curious already, reply on this email & you can talk data to me xoxo)All jokes aside, there is a specific reason I use Tableau for these kinds of things, but I'll bore you with that in another newsletter (or if you're curious already, reply on this email & you can talk data to me xoxo)

Life's a box of chocolates.

You never know what you're gonna get.
This week's chocolate was an impromptu beach bar meeting with Bertrand from Afrodidact to discuss our trip to The Gambia in November. What sounded like a regular "let's discuss some details" meeting to me was more like a "let's discuss some details at a nice beach bar & end the day with some fireworks" kind of meeting.
Moral of the story? Pick up on having chocolates; who knows, it might be a manon'ke instead of a regular praliné.

Enjoy the weekend!Hasta la próxima vez

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