Goeiemorgen, morgen, goeiedag,
Today marks the spot of the first newsletter for 2023.
Let’s kick things off by wishing yours truly all of your wishes* coming true.

schemin' in a kaffie day
A new year looked like a boogie moment for Yentl and me to scheme on a ‘kaffie’ day on the 3rd of January.
On the agenda –
Exchanging new years letters, peeping back on the first eight months of kaffie & big picture things to keep in mind in the next 12 months.
A recap of good ol’ 2022 in 4 shotgun shells
- Helped out 18 companies in one way or another
- 80k in gross revenue
- 27 newsletters
- My brethren and I still bootstrapping along without the need to kill each other
Milestones for 2023
- Close a dream client (SingerandAesop– for example.)
- 200k gross revenue by the end of the year
- Adapt our business to make it location independent
- A 1000 kaffie brewers on our newsletter**
** So, if every one of you would forward this to two friends interested in entrepreneurship,
and those cool people would subscribe here; we're off to a promising start 🚀
The Office in real life
2023 will also be the year in which we will have (as of today) three intern padawans to strengthen the crew.
Our newest additions to the pack: Nathan and Frederik. Josephine signed and sealed it in 2022, so she will have the first choice of desk space for the first movers' advantage.
The rest will have to sit on Yentl's lap.
The force is strong in this one.

A heartfelt thank you
Let's end this newsletter with nothing but love.
Thank you to the following friends for gifting to the Afrodidact fundraiser:
- Shane Deconinck
- Yentl Jacobs
- Xandro Vandewalle
- Vrinda Kabra
- Jeffe Delrue
- Sophie's mom
- Sybren Taillieu
- Bertrand Verkaeren
- Laura Hubert
- Jelle Aarts and Sophie
- Joran Van Handenhove
- Preben Simoens
- Jeroen Lingier
- Martijn Verhelst
- And all the other people who've helped out or gifted
We've raised € 1598,42 so far.
Let's hit 2500 by next week's newsletter, shall we?
"Wise people plant trees whose shadethey know they shall never sit in."
Kindly plant your tree over here.
That's it for this week folks, I'm off to spot a panda.
*And, should you have a more specific wish that we can help you manifest, please do let us know. We're all about paying it forward in 2023.
Have a lovely first weekend of 2023. Try to spend it nicely. It's never coming back. If you're out of inspiration, come join Yentl and me at the nieuwjaarsduik in Oostende. X