Our approach to value first sales automation

The Why

Time and time again, we’re wondering how to optimise our own sales process. Currently, most of our sales inflow is caused by word of mouth by current and previous clients. This is great because other people have vouched for us but ourselves. However, this approach is limited by design and leaves our sales too dependent on external goodwill.

All of the above made us wonder how we could gain unknown prospects' trust without someone to vouch for us. In comes “Roasted by kaffie”. This free-to-use tool lets kaffie.co visitors do a free scan of their website and gain human-readable insight on how to improve their website from a search engine perspective.

The goal

ROASTED’s goal is threefold:

  • Understand why you should pay attention to your online business presence.
  • Provide you with insight on how to improve your website.
  • Reach out a hand by allowing you to take our helping hand to improve it.

Ultimately, we want to bring value before coming into real-life contact with us

The How

We don’t believe in gatekeeping our way of working; that’s why we love to explain how we are building ROASTED.

The ingredients of building ROASTED:

  • The kaffie.co website built with webflow.io → used to capture the input of the prospect
  • Unlighthouse → used to audit the given website on four different aspects
  • Gotenberg → used to generate a crisp and clear PDF report
  • N8N hosted on Hetzner cloud → Used to glue all the above together

From your perspective, the process would look like this:

  • You enter the URL that you would like to scan
  • From that point, the ROASTED magic starts to grind
  • You’ll receive a human-readable document with ready-to-implement advice.

When is ROASTED ready?

For now, ROASTED is still under development.However, the first version will still be released in 2023.So, if you want to be an early ROASTED adopter, send us an email with your business URL, and we'll provide you with the first ROASTED report.

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